
做文明北京人: civilization campaigns

"It is crucial that the public should strive to desert all uncivilized behavior, and work vigorously toward creating a civilized and harmonious society to host a successful Olympic games."

– 2008 Olympic committee President Liu Qi

Pre-Olympic ‘Civilize China’ or ‘Wen Ming’ Campaigns are in many ways no more than a repeat of China’s historical purges – without the public killings. ‘Civilization’ is being imposed with a heavy hand from the government, for the sole purpose of ‘saving face’ when the foreign devils descend upon the city.

Eradicating behaviours such as: littering, foul language, spitting in public areas, smoking, line-cutting, and wrongful conduct at sports events, are now under the jurisdiction of the Government’s Capital Spiritual Civilization Office. The introduction of a 50RMB fine for spitting in public is just one of the government’s new initiatives.

During the past year, mass-mail outs reaching millions have informed citizens about what is now considered ‘proper conduct.’ Additionally, service sector workers such as taxi drivers, shop assistants and bus conductors, along with civil servants have been given ‘civilization training courses.’ The 11th day of every month is now ‘lining-up day;’ and to emulate the attractive, symmetrical lines of the number 11, citizens are encouraged to board public transport in an orderly fashion.

On a more sinister note, a number of taxi drivers are now being sent out in civvies to spy on their colleagues. These ‘undercover agents’ have been put in place to ensure appropriate taxi conduct, and fine the offenders 200RMB (about 10 percent of their monthly wage). Of course there is no excuse for poor conduct, when you consider the notices displayed on every glove-box, reminding the driver that being ‘civilized’ means: brushing your teeth, bathing each day, and changing your clothes regularly.

In a further initiative, petrol multinational Sinopec has masterminded a privately-run campaign aimed at civilizing the Jing’s drivers. More than a sixth of the capital’s drivers have agreed to be secretly filmed, in the hope of making it through ten minutes of civilized driving. Ten road-rage free minutes caught on camera rewards the driver with 200RMB worth of fuel, a 300RMB carwash, and televised glory. Uncivilized driving is treated with televised humiliation.

Overall, we are left wondering if the Government’s campaigns will have any real, lasting effect after the heat of the Olympics passes, and just how ‘civilized’ it is, to enforce ‘civilized’ behaviour.

.sanlitun billboard: be a civilized beijinger for a great olympics!